Dec 13, 2008

Give Peas A Chance

I'm not a great cook. I wouldn't even consider myself a good cook. (I hear that most food critics aren't.) That's why I'm amazed at how much attention my food gets given that I don't consider it anything spectacular. Most vegetarians hear one statement when it is known that they don't eat meat: "What DO you eat?" Thankfully, people most often say that out of my earshot and I hear two other things. First is the sound of everyone sighing a collective breath of relief with the realization that no one's died from eating my vegetarian cooking and second is, "This is good!"

It seems that most omnivores aren't scared that it is my cooking that is going to kill them (which would seem to me the greater concern), but that eating a meal without meat will. So I've started this occasional blog to encourage omnivores to give peas a chance every once in a while, along with all the other delicious foods from the plant kingdom. Chances are, if it doesn't kill you, you'll find something good!

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